Saturday, October 15, 2022

Males and Females ARE Different, and in a Good Way

This week, I learned about differences between males and females that have been confirmed by science. These differences lead to males and females behaving differently, which benefits societies and families. I believe that these differences are divinely appointed. I am very grateful for these differences and would like to share some with you. 

First, females. I have seen many of these differences firsthand in my life, and I'm sure you have too. Females are naturally more social and communicative. When you've gone to a social gathering, have you ever noticed the women chatting and the men happily just sitting? I have. From a young age, females cooperate with others and seek connections. They tend to be better at reading emotions and non-verbal cues. Maybe you've seen a mother understanding what her child needs just from the way they cry, and the father might not be able to tell the difference. They tend to notice more details and remember where things are in relation to other things. Females also have more white matter in their brains, which enables them to make more connections between various things. Perhaps you've been talking to a woman and noticed how they'll jump around between subjects in a way that makes sense to them, but you struggled to follow. These are just a few examples of actions that tend to be specific to women.

Now for some of the behaviors typical of males. I've also seen many of these behaviors in my life. As newborn babies, boys have a stronger startle response than girls. As they grow older, they tend to be more aggressive and competitive with their friends. If you've ever seen little boys playing with each other, you know that they are rough, but they are also friends. That's how they play and bond. Men are naturally stronger than women, not that there aren't strong women. Several of my friends are guys, and I've seen their natural physical strength and how it's greater than mine. Males tend to be better at orienting themselves and where they are based on directions like North and South. They tend to feel a great sense of pride when they are able to provide for their family. I know that my dad feels that providing for and protecting his family is one of his greatest duties. 

Many of these differences and their impacts can be seen in families. Mothers are better at nurturing, and fathers are better at providing, and that is OKAY. I believe that God made us that way. I believe that mothers, when needed or if they desire, should help provide, and I believe that fathers should be a strong part of their children's lives. This is God's order for the family, and I believe that it works best this way. 

Another thing to remember is that not everyone fits these norms, and that is okay as well. Not every girl has every feminine trait, and not every guy has every masculine trait. Girls and boys can have traits that are typical for the other gender, and that is okay and good. It doesn't make you any less your gender. It doesn't invalidate you or lessen your worth as a male or a female. Those qualities are still strengths for you that you can use for good in your life and for helping others. If you are a girl that likes to be competitive and strong, good for you. If you are a boy that likes to be creative and help little kids, good for you. Use your strengths for good, whatever they may be. Please don't forget your worth and your identity. Don't doubt your gender because you act in ways that are outside of the average. Remember that averages leave out multiple other kinds of people, and only account for what happens most.

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